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Overview Dashboard

Easily evaluate delivery time and availability of all your restaurants, across all aggregators, in one place. 


The Overview shows your restaurants' performance across the country, both in real time and historically. Easily identify wrongly unavailable restaurants or those with problematic delivery times. 

The example below shows restaurants which aren't available when they should be - clicking through to the Venue Dashboard identifies if this is a venue or platform issue. 

Overview US.jpg
Locations USA.jpg

Compare Nearby Restaurants 

Click on any restaurant to compare your performance to that of restaurants nearby, reviewing data by post code or town, and even filter to restaurants of a similar food type. Extremely useful when evaluating your performance against competitors. 

Evaluate Market Share

See which aggregators your competitors work with, who dominates by town as well as which aggregator has the highest delivery time or poorest availability. 

Market Share US.jpg
Venue Group US.jpg

Create custom Venue Groups

Users can create their own groups of venues to review in the analysis. For example your restaurants plus key competitors or main restaurants plus dark kitchens. Clients frequently use this when conducting A/B tests across their estate. 

"takealytics Overview is invaluable in helping us manage our restaurants and ensure they are open for delivery when they should be...
...We have the Dashboard shown continuously and it alerts us to any issues immediately

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