takealytics provides data analytics from delivery aggregators, enabling Restaurants and Tech businesses to make more informed data-driven decisions.

Benchmark your restaurants' delivery time, ratings and menu items against your competition.
See how you are performing across your whole estate or review market share by location. Evaluate how your performance has changed over time.
Understand market trends. Are your competitors offsetting platform fees? Are you on the right platforms? Who is new on the platform and encroaching on your market share? Takealytics online analytics gives you the insights to manage your food delivery strategy.
Takealytics continuously monitors every aspect of your online offering. As soon as the platform identifies an issue it will automatically notify the relevant team - significantly reducing the burden on head office staff whilst directly increasing your online food delivery sales.
USING takealytics
Whether you are a restaurant owner or part of a chain takealytics gives you the performance metrics you need. Takealytics will automatically monitor and manage your online performance, flagging key issues to relevant teams and managing the day-to-day operational aspects of your business. Takealytics analytics and insights can help fuel more strategic decisions across your estate.
No need to take on the burden of web scraping in-house. Takealytics provides independent market data which evaluates how your platform is performing versus that of your competitors. Identify which restaurants are on rival platforms and how this is changing over time. See if restaurants are switching between platforms and meeting their exclusivity obligations.
Whether you are working with existing UK restaurants or new market entrants, takealytics data can help your clients by providing daily market level reporting, identifying emerging market trends and new market entrants. Operational level analytics such as range gaps, out of stocks, pricing, promotions, and menu compliance will enable your customers to edge ahead of the competition.